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There are lots of ways to get creative with Facebook content for your business. To get access to a few (45) ideas I’ve already put together, check out my post, “Why You Should Start Now, On Facebook.” While those ideas are general and work for several kinds of businesses, below are a few ways restaurants specifically can utilize the platform.

Publish your menu

This one is pretty basic but it’s so basic it must come first. You wouldn’t believe how many places don’t do this. You can and should add your menu to your Facebook page as a resource for your customer. If your customer is already there checking the times you’re open, looking a reviews and photos, it only makes sense to let them view your menu. Facebook gives very clear guidelines and instructions on how a restaurant can add a menu to its page.

Live video

Right now, Facebook is disproportionately investing in Facebook Live video. What that means for your business is if you go live on Facebook, the Facebook algorithm will push you to the front of users’ timelines and even notify them with push notifications depending on their settings.

This is a great way to introduce your staff, provide educational information or show how something is made. Is everyone in love with your zucchini ‘noodles?’ Pop one of your chefs on camera to show how they’re made. Are some tourists unsure how to attack your fresh lobster? Go live with a member of waitstaff to show how it’s done. Do your customers know how you choose fresh ingredients from your suppliers? Take the camera along and show how your chefs choose only the best.

Start a poll

People love to feel part of something especially if that something gives them the feeling of control. So next time you’re trying to decide how best to use a new seasonal ingredient, let the people decide! Post pictures of both options side-by-side and let people vote in the comments. Or you can get fancy and use the Facebook Poll app which tallies the official vote for you. This is a great way to increase engagement on your page. Take it a step further and ask voters not only to vote but to tag a friend to see their vote.


Ok, so this is kind of cheating because this isn’t actually just a Facebook tip but I’m throwing it in the mix anyway. Have you ever had one of your favorite dishes removed from a menu? I have and it’s heartbreaking. It all started with penne aux champignons from Cafe Rouge…

But seriously – if you’ve removed a dish from your menu, never to return, do your customers a favor (and make a smart social media move) and post the recipe on your website. Then, film one of your chefs making the dish one last time and stream it live on Facebook. Take the link from that live video and post it to the recipe page on your site. And for the hat-trick, link that post to Pinterest. I could go on but I think you get the idea.

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